“Daddy, I just want to pray for a new mommy tonight. And that I love my first mommy so much.”
“OK, Buddy.”
“And, maybe can we go to Heaven to see our first mommy?”
“I’m sorry, Brady, but we can’t go to Heaven for a long, long time.”
“But why not?”
“Because once we go to Heaven, we can’t ever come back. People only go to Heaven when they die. I really wish we could visit mommy, too, but I don’t want to leave you or Halle or Nana or Papa or anyone else. And do you remember how we get to Heaven? We have to believe that Jesus died for all the bad things we do and that only He can make us better from all those bad things. If we don’t believe that, we can’t go to Heaven. Mommy believed that and that’s how we know she’s in Heaven.”
“Oh. Well, maybe I want to wake up real early and look at pictures of mommy. All of them.”
“Okay, Sweetheart. We can do that.”
Out of the mouth of babes…. God Bless Brad, Brady and Halle. Keep them in Your loving care now and forever and bring Brady and H
alle a new Mommy and Brad a new wife. Amen
Hi Brad. Something compelled me to come to your blog today. I “knew” your wife from a parenting website. Nice to see you still posting. You are doing a fabulous job of raising your little ones. May God continue to work in all of your lives.