In an email from a friend of mine, he referred to me having a “stirred faith.” Something about that phrase stuck out to me, and I began expounding on it realizing how descriptive of a statement that is. With the following in mind, I pray for everyone to have a stirred faith.
All the thoughts I have these days of God and what I believe were things that had largely settled to the bottom of the pot as it simmered. Finally, God brought my life to a roaring boil that scalded my soul. It seared and burned me to the core and that burn will last the rest of my life. But amidst the boiling water, all of those ingredients of my faith came bubbling to the top. They began to mix in completely with every drop of who I am to the point that I am now unable to let those things settle any more. I hate the thought that I ever segmented my life, or that my faith wasn’t pervasive in my life. But if I compare my attitude now to that of years past, I had so far yet to go, and I know I still have so much further to go. I only pray that the years will continue to draw me closer to Him.
How’s your pot?