
After I started writing this blog, I thought about the day when I would read all my entries to Stephanie, and I would take such joy in showing her the love I have for her. I know she felt loved immensely by me, and I certainly felt loved so much by her. But I was excited to tell her how I was showing the world. And then you all started commenting and expressing your love for me and so much for her and our kids. Many of you don’t know us and have never met us, and I was so excited to read all of that to her.

I won’t get the chance to hear her response. The results came back and she showed no response to any stimuli. She also has been having anoxic myoclonus, which are muscle spasms reminiscent of seizures, but they happen because the higher brain functions aren’t available to control the spasms our bodies naturally want to do. It basically means the abilities of the top of her brain aren’t available, and that’s detrimental.

I’m still going to read to her. I’m going to read every post and every comment, until we have to decide what happens next. If you have any special memories of her you would like to share, please comment here, and she’ll get to hear them (and so will I, which I will appreciate).

A miracle is still forthcoming. God can still heal her body. I have no doubt about that. But, if that’s not the miracle He has in store, than it’s going to be some other miracle like nothing anyone has ever seen before. I know it in my soul. Thank you all again for your prayers and encouragement. This is not the end of my posts, but I understand if you get off the bus here.

166 thoughts on “Reading”

  1. not going anywhere Brad. even though we’re in Montana, we’re in this with you in Spirit and prayer.

  2. No getting off the bus for me or so many of us, Brad! I have many memories I will post. In the middle of parent conferences now, but I look forward to writing tonight. God is working, Brad, and He’s not finished.

  3. Brad,

    Nicole & I are so sorry for you at this time. God bless as you face the next several days/weeks/months.

  4. Not getting off the bus, brother. On for the long ride and anxious to see what God does here. Brad, we have come to truly love your family and we will not stop praying for that miracle! Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

  5. Brad and Steph,
    Well the first memory that came to my mind was the weekend you asked Steph to marry you. I came into the church office and there was Steph smiling ear to ear showing off her ring. Her smile is one that is very contagious! Brad I know that I am not going to fall off here. You are “family” and this is the time when you need “family!” If you need anything please call. Even if it is to sit at the house to be there for the kids as they sleep! We love you guys! We continue to pray for that miracle!

  6. I see no bus stops…

    I enjoyed watching Stephanie’s face as I held Halle at MOMtourage while Stephanie was able to enjoy some mom time with beakfast! The way Halle looked at Stephanie was priceless, and the way Stephanie’s eyes LIT up when she looked back was incredible.

    Keeping up the prayers for you all…thank you so much for blogging so openly and honestly. God has done great things through you and it is trememdous to see how you are dealing with this enormous responsibility.

    The Weiser Family

  7. Brad,

    Please know that I am keeping Stephanie, you, and your family in my prayers.

    Noone is going anywhere…..and, remember, you will never be alone.


  8. Brad, I am one of those people who have not met you; I am Margaret’s cousin. I will pray for you to find the strength to help you through this and also for a miracle, they DO happen.

  9. I am not getting off of the bus. My prayers for a miracle shall continue. Whatever that miracle is, I pray that God shows you in all of His glory what that miracle is.

  10. We will still follow this blog. Brad, you are a model of courage. I don’t know that I could be as strong as you. Your strong in your faith and rationalize God’s greater plan. We won’t stop praying, and continue to be here for any support you need.


  11. Never met you or Stephanie, but your spirit in Jesus and your love and devotion for your wife is an example to all married people, whether Christian or not. Not getting off the bus here, either. Will continue to lift your family in prayer. I was so heartbroken to read your last post. I still believe in miracles. God bless.

  12. Brad, I’d be very surprised if people stopped reading and stopped praying at this point; I know I won’t. I’m so sorry to hear about the news you received today, and my heart goes out to you. I am still praying for you, Stephanie, and your children. You’re all constantly on my heart.

  13. Praying for strength, peace, and guidance for you and
    Your families. The situation breaks my heart but am truly
    Touched and amazed by your strength and your faith.
    God Bless!

  14. Brad, we’re in this together for the long haul! We’re not going anywhere!

    Some of my favorite memories of Stephanie are when we would get together for group and talk about food. She’s an amazing cook/baker! And for some reason, she thinks my chocolate chip cookies are the best she’s ever had. What a compliment, especially coming from her! I can’t come close to her skill level in any area in the kitchen…least of all her pot roast! Definitely one of my favorite meals!

    We’re all still waiting on that miracle. We all feel it. Don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. Love you guys!

  15. I have been reading your story and praying for you and your family and also for Stephanie’s friends. Brad, you truly are an inspiration! Your words are so moving, I can feel the love you have for your wife, your family and God just pouring out of your blogs. I will be thinking about you guys often! Take care ~ Sue

  16. Brad, this is Suzanne again, Heather’s mom. We have been with you in prayer and spirit. Tomorrow morning Heather is planning to come to be with Bill and with all your family in the morning. Please pray for her safe arrival. Sweet Graham will be staying with us.
    I just wish I could have magic words to say, words of comfort and peace. I do not have them, but God’s word does. In 2 Chronicles 20 Jehoshaphat was under attack from enemies in surrounding lands. When you have time you would enjoy the whole chapter because it shows the power of God over the enemy. But for this moment ch 20: 12,15 will be good.
    vs12″ O our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us: nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.”
    vs15 (Jahaziel speaking as the Spirit of the Lord was upon him) Thus says the Lord to you: Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.”
    My own friend David G. shared this me when both of our families were going through difficult trials enginnered by the devil. This chapter has helped me many times to remember that the battles are God’s and in the end he will defeat the enemy. What I don’t know is how we hold on while He fights for us and we feel so helpless. Brad, we just have to hold on to our faith. That is all I have had many, many times.
    I am so amazed and strengthen every time I read your post. It is so filled with faith and love for your God and family. I hope one day to meet you personally so that we can share the victory stories of our lives.
    Please share the scripture with Bill. I have not talked to him today. He is so precious to all of our family.
    You remain in my heart and prayers,

  17. Oh Brad, my heart aches. God’s ways are higher. Don’t understand…but we will. Praying without ceasing. We will pray you through the storm.

  18. Brad & Stephanie,

    How can words even begin to express what is in my heart right now. My mind is racing with emotion and my eyes are filled with tears. First and foremost I am praying you through! The first verse that came to me as I read & learned was 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed!” Only He can take us from 10ft. under to walking on water. Hope & Hugs to you all!!!

    The Bokisa Family

  19. Brad – You don’t know me, but I’m one of the many who have been following your story and praying. Your strength through this coupled with your love and trust in God is amazing and inspiring. My heart just breaks as I read your posts, and I will continue to pray for you and Stephanie and your kids. I did meet Stephanie once. We bought a headband from her at the CVC yard sale this summer. It was a brief encounter, but I could tell what a sweet person she is. I thought it was such a neat idea for a mom to have a business like that. Thank you for sharing with us. Praying for that miracle.

  20. Some of my favorite memories of Stephanie include watching her with Brady & Halle. She is the most wonderful, understanding, and loving mother. I remember Halloween last year when Brady and Aiden were scaring the neighborhood while Stephanie handed out her thoughtfully made candy bags to kids. She is SO great at making cards, bows, food and anything creative! I also remember spending time with you, stephanie, brady & halle at the independence homedays. Stephanie kept talking about how much she liked to watch you and Brady slide down the really tall slide and play together. She always had positive comments for everyone. Most of all, I remember her strong faith in God. There is no doubt she let him lead her life and lived every day in his honor. Stephanie is truly a remarkable woman.

  21. I’m truly sorry brad. But at the same time, I 100% believe you about the miracle. I hate that sometimes they come through tragedy. It’s complete bullcrap and I hate it. But I know sometimes that that’s how it happens. Dammit.

    Please let US know how to help. Btw, I smiled whenever I would see updates from Halle’s Hairbows. For serious. :)

  22. Brad, words can’t even express how sad and heartbroken I am for you and your family. I am still in shock that just a few days ago we were wishing her a happy birthday and now this.

    Stephanie, as corny as it sounds, I will miss our facebook chats on what we got at the big sales..and I will miss chatting about our big boys. I will always treasure you as one of my online friends.

    You all will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days and months ahead.

  23. It has been a long time since I have even thought about Parma Heights Babtist and all the fun I used to have there. I have never met you personally Brad but I do remember Stephanie fondly. I do not have a specific story in mind just a memory of what a gentle soul she is. No matter the hard or angry exterior I had she was always so nice to me, like it didn’t even matter. I always knew when I went there I would be greeted and be treated like I was a wonderful person. I have you all in my thoughts, and can only hope for a good outcome.

  24. Hi. You don’t know me but I am a friend of a friend of your sister in law…I think that is what she said. Anyway, I am praying for healing! Our God is a God of Might! Thanks for the updates! I am praying for your kiddos too…it’s a tough road right now but He will see you all through! If God brings you TO it, He will bring you THROUGH it!
    Blessings from Idaho,
    Amy Waters (and family)

  25. Still with you and praying for a miracle! God is still GOD! I also pray that you and all of your family and Stephanie will have sweet moments together even now. I know that God can do that and beyond what we can imagine. Thank you for allowing us to journey with you. May Jesus continue to hold you and Stephanie and Brady and Halle and all of your family in his strong and tender arms and may He speak truth of His love for you to your minds and hearts every second. Please tell Stephanie that I am thankful to know her, truly. She has a wonderful gift and ability to make others feel like they are important and special and she uses her creativity to show love to others, like you have written about Brad. I have been blessed by that encouragement and care, please tell her I say, “Thank you from my heart.” and I send my love and a hug. You’re All in our Hearts & Ever in our Prayers, Annie Hickey

  26. Brad, You were such a cute little guy when I had you in choir at PHBC, who would have thought that you would be facing this. I am amaized at your strength, you are an inspiration to all who are reading this. Be assured that I will keep you, Stephanie and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  27. Brad~
    We are truly sorry to hear this sad news. God has big plans for you and your family, that is for sure. He is working in ways that we cannot understand, in ways that don’t make sense, and in ways that hurt a lot. But we don’t lose hope.
    I have a lot of fun memories of Stephanie from MOMtourage. She is such an inspiration to me, in how she LOVES the Lord, loves you, and loves her children. She embraces the art of homemaking, and she is so crafty! I can remember on a couple of different holidays receiving homemade cards from Steph, Brady and Halle, and I was really touched by her thoughtfulness in that.
    And of course her bows… My daughter only wears bows that Stephanie makes, because hers are the best out there. I have one clipped to my purse now, as a reminder to pray for her.
    We are persisting in prayer.
    Love, The Suttons

  28. I am one of the people who doesn’t really know you or Stephanie, but I am friends with Leslie Pickenheim and heard about you guys from her posts asking for prayers. I will not be stopping here either, and I will continue to pray for that Miracle!! My thoughts and prayers will be with you guys for the long haul!

  29. I’m an unknown blog reader, who was introduced to your blog as a prayer request. I have wept and prayed. My heart is breaking for you – but I am trusting God with you for His best outcome. God bless you!

  30. Brad and Stephanie,

    You don’t know us…..the only time our paths have crossed directly is when I delivered a “New Mom meal” after Brady was born. It’s one of the only meals I really remember delivering, b/c I went to the wrong house….your neighbor was expecting someone (else) and we had each other confused for several minutes. Ooops! You did laugh with me when I finally arrived, which I appreciated.

    We’re praying, reading along, and not going anywhere. Will continue to pray for our Mighty God to intervene as only He can.

    It’s always a comfort to me that our eyes don’t always see/perceive the heavenly hosts that are on our side:

    2 Kings 6:

    15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh, my lord, what shall we do?” the servant asked.

    16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

    17 And Elisha prayed, “O LORD, open his eyes so he may see.” Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

  31. Stephanie is a sweet, caring person who, without a doubt, shines the light of Christ to all. I remember her AMAZING pot roast that she made for the small group. She was such an amazing cook and used that skill to bless so many people in a very practical way. She and I share a love for Saved by the Bell, too. :) Love you guys and are hoping for that wonderful miracle. Brad, you are such an amazing husband. Your heart for God and for Stephanie is so lovely. Thank you for being so candid and sharing your thoughts so openly.

  32. Brad,

    I have never met you and I don’t know you or your wife. Your story is very touching, I read all the blogs last night. Keeping you and the precious babies in prayer. Keeping your wife in our prayers as well. I am thankful to hear that you trust the Lord and what he has planned for you in the future. Any outcome is great regardless because we know that God is here. I just got on the bus, and I can’t get off this one without reaching out some prayers for you all. Prayers for all of you!

  33. I too am weeping as I read your loving words as un unknown reader. May God and His angels look down on your wife and family and heal all of you, physically and emotionally. You are and will remain in my family’s prayers. I look forward to reading soon of a miracle for Stephanie.

  34. Brad, how hard it was to read your last writing. I can not begin to think how hard it was for you to hear the news. Thank you for sharing with us. We will be praying for you and all your family. Please tell your Mom, Jean said we’re praying.
    May God wrap his arms around all of you and help you through this time.

  35. I sit her and i have read every word that you have written about Stephanie and what is going on with her body and mind and soul. I still believe God has a miracle in store for all of you, but especially for Stephanie. Our Wonderful God is just that, a wonderful God, and he hears every word you say and type and all our prayers. He knows how much you need her and how much your son and daughter need her, and he will not let you down.
    You said to comment something that i would remember about you and Stef that would make her remember and smile. Well the one thing that i remember the most that brought such smiles to your face and your bride’s face was when we were at your wedding reception and they announced Mr. & Mrs. Brad Luczywo, and you both came out and started dancing. Right now i cannot remember the name of the song, but two started dancing and smiling and staring into one anothers eyes and throughout that whole song you two did not stop smileing or laughing, and it was so evident how happy and in love the two of you were at that very moment. It brought tears and laughter to my eyes, and as i sit here writing this to you if seems like it was only yesterday. I wish you could play that song for her right now, and hold her hand and dance with her Brad, dance with her while she is in bed, but most of all smile and laugh and remind her of that wonderful day. I know you will never forget it, I am sure Stephanie will never forget it, I know i will never forger it either. I am still praying for all of you and will continue praying for your miracle asking God to bring your bride back to you. Thinking of you constantly with love, Carol Naugle

  36. I’ve been following your path this week as a christian brother and a currant employee of PHBC, and its been hard to handle also as a dad myself. Our prayers are with you and your family. I’ve also had the chance to keep updating Joe the custodian at PHBC. He said that Stephanie would always smile at him and even sit and ask to have lunch with him just to sit and have lunch no questions asked. Joe made a comment that summed up this ordeal to him as God must of decided that Stephanie is just to beutiful and kind to stay on this earth and that she is needed in heaven for greater things. I know that this dosen’t make it better but I shows what kind of person Stephenie was to people here and PHBC.
    God Bless
    Dan Buncher and Family

  37. Brad, I had to post this for you. You posted lyrics from The Afters in one of your posts and Jars of Clay just released this new song called Shelter. You never have to walk alone. I hope it encourages.

    Shelter by Jars of Clay:
    To all who are looking down
    Holding on to hearts still wounding
    For those who’ve yet to find it
    The place is near where love is moving
    Cast off the robes you’re wearing
    Set aside the names that you’ve been given
    May this place of rest in the fold of your journey
    Bind you to hope
    You will never walk alone

    In the shelter of each other
    We will live
    We will live (Never walk alone)
    In the shelter of each other
    We will live
    We will live (Your arms are all around us)

    If our hearts are turned to stone
    There is hope we know the rocks will cry out
    And the tears aren’t ours alone
    Let them fall into the hands that hold us
    Come away from where you’re hiding
    Set aside the lies that you’ve been living
    May this place of rest in the fold of your journey
    Bind you to hope
    We will never walk alone

    In the shelter of each other
    We will live
    We will live (In the shelter)
    In the shelter of each other
    We will live
    We will live (You will never walk alone)

    If there is any peace
    If there is any war
    We must all believe
    Our lives are not our own
    We all belong

    God has given us each other
    And we will never walk alone

    In the shelter of each other
    We will live
    We will live (Your arms are all around us)
    In the shelter of each other
    We will live
    We will live (In Your arms are all around us)

    In the shelter of each other
    We will live
    We will live

  38. Brad,
    I just started reading your blog today. I will not stop. You have been in my thoughts all day and I will pray for Stephanie, you, and your family.

  39. I am so sorry to hear about your family’s tradegy..I heard about this Wed at my womens group from my sisters in faith and I was devastated..My heart goes out to you and your little ones…Words can’t express my thoughts…May God comfort you in your time of need and help you through this trial..God bless you and stay strong and keep your faith…You and your family are in my prayers:) I will be thinking of you.
    Cari Smith

  40. Brad and Stephanie
    I am overwhelmed by the Spirit when I pray for you. I am groaning in my spirit as I cry out to the Lord. I do recognize the spiritual battle and CAN NOT stop interceding day and night. I don’t want to either. Brad I haven’t met you yet, but I got to be friends with Stephanie at Momtourage and what a blessing. Steph, you are a beautiful woman with such love and devotion for your family. You are such a godly example to your children and to us Moms just trying to figure out this role of motherhood. What Mom can take care of two little ones with such grace and love AND bake such amazing food AND have such a talent for crafts….WOW! You are amazing! We had just started our friendship only last year but I am so grateful for the time we had together. I miss you. Brad..I will continue to obey the Lord as He calls me to pray without ceasing for you and Stephanie. I do not know what He has in store but He is listening and in control. He loves you and you too are an amazing person. I can see why Stephanie loves you so much.

  41. I don’t care how short this bus is, or how far it takes us..

    Laurie Weiser “I see no bus stops…” <—Best Quote ever!

    God is the driver and we are his passengers..

    BRAD!!!! We know Stephanie is going home someday to be with Jesus, BUT WE DON'T know were some of our friends are going…

    Since I wrote you an hour ago, I spoke to a friend I play an online game with, he is a Buddhist. Infact, his online screen name is BuddhaCantBeKilled..
    I know, ODD way to meet people, but this is my mission field as of late, its my harvest to labor.. But Buddha and I spoke openly about Stephanie for 35min, he cannot believe my passion for Christ and once he read how you felt, he is moved..I now have a HIGHWAY to share Christ with him.. instead of some little off the beaten path wilderness, I now have a freeway to speaking about Christ to this man..

    Psalm 103

    Of David.

    1 Praise the LORD, O my soul;
    all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
    2 Praise the LORD, O my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits-

    3 who forgives all your sins
    and heals all your diseases,

    4 who redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion,

    5 who satisfies your desires with good things
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

    6 The LORD works righteousness
    and justice for all the oppressed.

    7 He made known his ways to Moses,
    his deeds to the people of Israel:

    8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious,
    slow to anger, abounding in love.

    9 He will not always accuse,
    nor will he harbor his anger forever;

    10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
    or repay us according to our iniquities.

    11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so great is his love for those who fear him;

    12 as far as the east is from the west,
    so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

    13 As a father has compassion on his children,
    so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;

    14 for he knows how we are formed,
    he remembers that we are dust.

    15 As for man, his days are like grass,
    he flourishes like a flower of the field;

    16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
    and its place remembers it no more.

    17 But from everlasting to everlasting
    the LORD's love is with those who fear him,
    and his righteousness with their children's children-

    18 with those who keep his covenant
    and remember to obey his precepts.

    19 The LORD has established his throne in heaven,
    and his kingdom rules over all.

    20 Praise the LORD, you his angels,
    you mighty ones who do his bidding,
    who obey his word.

    21 Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts,
    you his servants who do his will.

    22 Praise the LORD, all his works
    everywhere in his dominion.
    Praise the LORD, O my soul.

  42. Psalm 94
    1 O LORD, the God who avenges,
    O God who avenges, shine forth.

    2 Rise up, O Judge of the earth;
    pay back to the proud what they deserve.

    3 How long will the wicked, O LORD,
    how long will the wicked be jubilant?

    4 They pour out arrogant words;
    all the evildoers are full of boasting.

    5 They crush your people, O LORD;
    they oppress your inheritance.

    6 They slay the widow and the alien;
    they murder the fatherless.

    7 They say, “The LORD does not see;
    the God of Jacob pays no heed.”

    8 Take heed, you senseless ones among the people;
    you fools, when will you become wise?

    9 Does he who implanted the ear not hear?
    Does he who formed the eye not see?

    10 Does he who disciplines nations not punish?
    Does he who teaches man lack knowledge?

    11 The LORD knows the thoughts of man;
    he knows that they are futile.

    12 Blessed is the man you discipline, O LORD,
    the man you teach from your law;

    13 you grant him relief from days of trouble,
    till a pit is dug for the wicked.

    14 For the LORD will not reject his people;
    he will never forsake his inheritance.

    15 Judgment will again be founded on righteousness,
    and all the upright in heart will follow it.

    16 Who will rise up for me against the wicked?
    Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?

    17 Unless the LORD had given me help,
    I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death.

    18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,”
    your love, O LORD, supported me.

    19 When anxiety was great within me,
    your consolation brought joy to my soul.

    20 Can a corrupt throne be allied with you—
    one that brings on misery by its decrees?

    21 They band together against the righteous
    and condemn the innocent to death.

    22 But the LORD has become my fortress,
    and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.

    23 He will repay them for their sins
    and destroy them for their wickedness;
    the LORD our God will destroy them.

    Brad, This Psalm spoke to me about you in so many ways, particularly vs. 12 and 13. You are truly a disciplined man in God, and your strength, hope, and trust through this all has shown that. I believe, because of that, you will be granted “relief from days of trouble.”

    I believe Stephanie is just taking a much needed rest. She was always putting others before herself and sacrificed so much to make so many people feel loved. That is exhausting, and she needs rest – in her mind, her in body, and in her soul.

  43. Brad, we are praying for that miracle and trusting God. You may not realize thia but your family has so impacted our family through your mother and now this. Your faith in and love of God is so evident. Brian said he was seeing Christ’s light in you so clearly. It was blinding. Thank you. Lord Jesus, I trust You and love You. Please, Lord, miraculously heal Stephanie…please, please, please.

  44. Brad,
    I worked with Stephanie at Britton-Gallagher. I have many good memories of her. She is a beautiful person inside and out. Always a smile, always so kind and so talented. Brad, I am in awe of your faith and devotion.
    I am praying for a miracle for all of you.

  45. Brad,
    You don’t know me, but my parents and Stephanie’s mom and dad have known each other for 35+ years, and we attend Bethel Temple with Bill. He’s one of my vocalists on the praise and worship team. So, I feel connected to Stephanie and you through a childhood history that I honestly don’t remember but know was there. And, a much more obvious connection through Bill and Nancy.
    Please know that so many of us are lifting you all up before the Lord and will continue to do so. We’re not getting off the bus…know you’re supported and loved as a brother in Christ.
    Through your devastation you are truly inspirational. It’s amazing the faith you have exemplified through all of this…what a testament to your relationship with Christ and how much you love Him. You’re kingdom mindset and the fact that you are submissive to God’s larger plan, even though you don’t understand it, amazes me.
    I love that Sunday you and Stephanie spent intimate time together as a couple in the presence of God. A beautiful picture of your life and love!!!

  46. Brad,
    I’m so sorry that things have taken this turn, but I pray for Steph’s miracle. I’ll always remember the feasts that she would send in for us. I’ll also always remember her positive attitude even when the epilepsy gave her every excuse to be blue. I hope and pray for a miracle that will allow us all to laugh about it together again, and Libby can share her croissant recipe with her. Till then, I’m not getting off this bus either. As always, speak up for whatever we can do for you.

  47. Carole and I have been reading your blog and have been praying for you and Stephanie every day, Brad. Stephanie did my secretary work at PHBC for a couple years after we returned from California in 2001. I remember walking into her office the first time. It was like a ray of sunshine the way she had it decorated. When I started talking to her I immediately sensed her cordial and friendly spirit. I sensed the God’s love shining through her. Later she told me that she had accepted Christ through one of the musicals we presented at the church. Thanks, Stephanie, for not only your hard work (you were so good on the computer) but also for the way you did it, as onto the Lord. I remember sometimes you had to come in on Saturdays to finish up special projects. I felt bad that you had to that, but you did it willingly.

    Brad, thanks for sharing your blog and for being so transparent. Your love for Stephanie and the Lord shines through and is a great witness. The Lord is good and he has a special plan for both you and Stephanie. Our thoughts and prayers are with both of you, your children, and you beloved family.

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