It looks like they’re running that SSEP test right now. I have not yet been in to see my beautiful wife yet today, as I woke up after 7am, which is when they do shift change and can’t let anyone in. And after that, they started testing. I find myself incredibly nervous today, so I’m praying for calm and rest.
We’ll be waiting until sometime this afternoon to get the report on how this test went. If you still have prayers left for me, I continue to ask for them. Thank you all once again.
My prayers are with you and Steph, Brad.
What you’re doing on this blog is amazing. I hope I get to meet Stephanie and tell her about what you’re doing on here. She’s going to be proud of you.
Dear Brad, You and Stephanie and your family are in our thoughts and prayers constantly…None of us can even imagine what you are going through but as members of Christ we feel your pain and agony waiting to see what God knows is best for Stephanie. We love you both and you are not alone. with much prayer, Julie Volpe
Praying without ceasing. God is good, and we believe. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will NOT FEAR, though the earth should change, and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.” (Psalm 46) There is no fear in Christ!
I think I can speak for everyone following this blog, and even those who are not but who are aware of the situation, when I saw that we will “pray without ceasing” and we will never run out of prayers for you and your family…not now, and not in the future. Thinking of you constantly…
Praying right now! [I am actually trying to get up there once Noah wakes up.] *hugs*
Brad, you guys have not escaped our thoughts or prayers! Will pray right now that there are more signs of improvement and that the SSEP tests are a success. Will also pray that “…the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7 NIV. Look forward to a positive report later on this afternoon. With love, Us2
Stay strong Brad. You’re in all our thoughts and prayers.
Praying..praying…for you, Stephanie and your precious babies.
South Carolina
friend of Vonda..follows Stephanie’s blog.
Hi Brad,
I’m James and Leslie Pickeneheim’s Aunt from Freeland, PA. I have been praying for you and your family since Leslie asked for prayers and following your blog. I am humbled by your amazing faith. My prayers (and prayers I have asked friends for) will continue for you and yours. May peace be with you today.
I am an RN at the Cleveland Clinic Main Campus and initially read the prayer request emailed by Brian. I worship in the Choir. I visited your Stephanie this morning and prayed over her. You were not there at the time. Abunday Prayers for you and yours.
Gods Delay never destroys HIS purpose..
Hi Brad! We are friends with your amazing brother and sister-in-law (Scott and Sarah)….just want you to know that we are continuing to pray for a miracle for your Stephanie and for your continued hope as you and your family await that miracle!
Brad – We are praying for you guys…have put your prayer request through the prayer chain at the barn where my horse is stabled and we will all be adding you, Stephanie, the doctors and nurses, and your children to our prayers! Love and prayers, Becky
Brad – Know that my families prayers are with your families. I know that this is an incredibly difficult time and know that we are there for you and be encouraged.
Brad, I’m praying for you and Steph! I have my church praying as well! We pray Gods hand is over all of you! We love you guys!
Brad, I didn’t tell you this last night but when I walked into the room with Stephanie I felt the presence of God like never before. When I started praying, I almost felt silly because His presence was so heavy in the room. I know that God is holding Stephanie in His arms right now and we’re pleading with Him on her behalf.
We pray, pray, pray, and when we are done, we pray some more. The PHBC choir prayed for all of you last night during rehearsal as well.
Love and Prayers~
The Combs Family
Brad, I’m thinking positive thoughts for you and your family. I know this must be hard.
sending you hope and strength,
Brad, Still praying without ceasing. In our Bible study this week, we learned that God takes us through the wilderness, and everyone experiences this. Your wilderness is exceptionally hard and difficult to understand. We asked that this week, God perform some sign of His love to each of us, to let us know He will never forsake us or leave us in the wilderness. My prayer is for your wife. I’m asking God to heal and restore her to you. What a sign and witness to all the doctors, nurses and everyone involved in your wife’s care to see the mighty power of Christ. In Him.
Many prayers are coming your way. I pray for the strength and the wisdom of the doctors, and for your strength as you wait for answers.
I’m one of Stephanie’s “Storkie Sisters” but we weren’t on the same board. All of StorkNet is praying hard for Stephanie and your family during this difficult time.
Your thoughts on this blog are both inspiring and heart-breaking at the same time. There is not much any of us can say to help fix this situation, but know that you and your family are in many people’s thoughts and prayers!
I am another ‘storkie sister’. We have been checking your updates, and we are praying for her and your family.
I am Dan Buch’s wife. I just wanted to tell you that we are continuing to pray for you and your wife, your children, families, and doctors.
We’ve been praying for you all constantly since monday morning and will continue to do so. My heart breaks for what you guys are going through. I have felt God’s peace and presence as I plead with Him for Stephanie. We continue to hope and believe in a miracle for her. I know you’re likely surrounded by people helping you, but truly, if you need anything, do not hesitate to call. We love you guys and are crying and hoping and praying along with you.
The words are not coming to me at this point, so I will say simply that all of you remain in my prayers and in the prayers of those with whom I have shared your situation.
Karen (Stephanie’s cousin)
Brad- we have never met. I am Mary Orcutt Levy’s s-i-l. I met Stephanie once years ago. I have been following your blog and it has been so inspiring. I have been praying constantly for the last two days and asking everyone I know to pray too. God’s hand is at work. I am sure of it. You have lots of prayers reaching up to heaven right now.
I like everyone else here can’t stop thinking of Stephanie and what you are all going through. I also assume everyone else has been praying all throughout these days as we’ll.
We have hope and prayers left as well.
Be strong.
Lots of prayers are coming your way, Brad. You, Stephanie, and your family are being lifted in prayer constantly. I am full of hope and wonder and awe at God’s presence through all of this as I read your blog and the comments, and as I continue to pray for all of you. God always manages to blow me away. He does awesome things for us, even when we aren’t quite sure what He’s up to.
We’re continuing to pray, Brad. Be encouraged and strengthened in the Lord today. We love you all.
Hey Brad,
This is JP from iModules. Tyson sent me your blog and I was stunned to hear the news. Very sorry for your family’s struggle and thinking of you and passing along all of our hopes and prayers. Stay strong and optimistic!
There are always more prayers to give and I will continue to give them.
Praying with almost every breath. The Lord has burdened me greatly for you.
good afternoon brad,
Although I haven’t known you and stephanie and the kids that long, you definetly are a picture pefect family and my family and I have been praying for you, I really hope everything turns out for the best, and thank you again for helping me out.
Stephanie has been on my mind day and night since I found out Monday morning. My family and I, and many, many people at Bethel Temple continue to interceded in prayer for Stephanie, you and your family.
2 Thessalonians 3:16 – Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance.
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family….. Please do not hesitate to ask for any help. We will be more than happy to help out…
Stay calm and bold…. everything will be fine…
praying still
As you know your AG family is deeply concerned for you and your family. We are continuously checking your blog for updates and amazed by your courage. We wait with you in spirit and all pray for positive results.
A prayer for good results from this test. The whole organization has been affected by your story and we are all hoping and praying for you and Stephanie.
Please let us know how we can help.
We will never run out of prayers for you! Brad, God is working through you and this situation in powerful ways far greater than our understanding. We are so thankful for this blog and to be able to reach out to you in this way.
hi brad, i know you dont know me but Bob Noss told me about your wife and I have been following via your blog. The whole team has been praying for you and your family. Please let us know how we can help – be it a bake sale, babysitting, food/dinners or just sending positive vibes!
Praying, Praying, Praying to our Lord above that Stephanie pulls through. You are an amazing husband for all that you are doing and writing here on this blog. Many prayers for your entire family…
Tampa FL (Friend of Tracy Kunkel)
Brad, thank you so much for letting us into your thoughts. When I read on Monday about Stephanie, I could not believe it. Stephanie was my small group leader throughout high school and her impact is still with me. She has always been an example of living in God’s spirit and it shows in every memory I have of her. She is the most amazing woman I have met. This has taken hold of my mind and heart and I cannot express how much hope I have for her to be ok. I will continue to pray for her and you and your children.
Dear Brad,
I am Anna’s mother. I met you at Noah’s birthday party earlier this year. We have been praying for Stephanie and you and your whole family since we heard about Stephanie’s seizure. Pray without ceasing. Your faith has been such a testimony to so many people as you have inspired believers and non-believers. God will bless you for that in ways you do not know. I have shared the prayer request with my 10 siblings, my co-workers, my out-of-town relatives and friends. And they in turn have shared with their church communities, friends, etc. Multitudes of prayers are being lifted up to the throne of grace on your family’s behalf. Isn’t it great that we never get a “busy signal” when we humble oursleves and come to God in prayer. Brad, may you feel the power of these prayers as you face the most difficult time of your life. May you continue to have the strength and courage to deal with everything that is being put before you now. You are indeed a shining light whose heart is breaking. Thank you for all the encouragement you have been to so many. May the Lord richly bless you for your faithfulness to Him.
Praying for God’s healing hands.
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair. Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. 2Cor 4:8-9. Brad, this is the passage that has come to my mind for the past several days. I do not begin to understand why this has happened and what you are must be going through. I knew Staphanie from PHBC about 10 years ago. She was such a powerful example of Christ’s love in how she reached out to so many people. You are all being lifted up in prayer across the country and that will not stop. Thank you for your blog, your encouragement and most importantly for your continued faith and trust in God.
Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, Stephanie and your children. You have tremendous faith and courage and God’s work in your life is evident as I read your blog. I will continually pray for Stephanie and will also ask my friends to do the same. You are continually in my thoughts and I pray that you feel God’s presence at this very moment. Sending much love to you, Stephanie and your children.
Cherie Gravette
(Janelle’s sister. She is friend’s with Scott. We both went to Brecksville High School.)
What incredible strength and devotion displayed here on your blog through such a trying time. Good thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Your wife and family are in very good hands.
Cassy and I are hoping and praying for Steph (and you). Just wanted to let you know that you’re both in my thoughts and constant prayers.
May the Lord Bless you and keep you, may he make his face to shine upon you and give you peace.
Another of Stephanie’s Storkie sisters sending prayers. All of us. Praying for strength and peace for all of you. As are the rest of the women on our boards.
Brad, your strength and resolve are inspiring. I’m failing to imagine myself in your position and having the openness to share your life in this manner leaves me speechless. Stay positive and God bless!
Hey Brad, my heart breaks and goes out to Steph, you and the entire family. Am daily crying out to God for a divine intervention in this situation and Bethel temple is interceeding and many other prayer lines that have been conducted. Know that you are not alone in this and that many faithfuls stand with you in faith and hope and prayer. May the peace of God reign and may His love and power continue to overshadow you all. God bless.