
I was just reading a post that a fellow blogger wrote about me and all that has happened. It really got me thinking as she is not the first to make comments about how strong I am or about my unwavering faith and such other things that make it sound like I’m some fabulous person. While it really means a lot to me to hear these things, I want to be sure to keep myself in check and a good way to do that is to proclaim the truth right here for all to read.

It’s not me. Amidst all this turmoil and devastation, I have long been emptied of anything reminiscent of myself. God very quickly and easily filled that emptiness with Who He is. God is literally shining through my life because He’s good like that. He’s gracious enough to consider us worthy of showing off His glory. When people say such things about me, they’re really talking about God and such compliments are indicative of Who He is. I don’t know why He’s allowing me to receive His glory via these comments, but that’s what seems to be happening.

I don’t deserve what has been said of me – God does. God is perhaps allowing these things to be said of me because of the encouragement it provides me and it is His way of further sustaining me. I’ve always wanted to be used by God, and it seems He has answered my prayers. But it’s entirely about His answering and not about my prayers.

4 thoughts on “Glory”

  1. Praise God! There is no doubt that God is using you and has been shining through you in a miraculous way. He has literally been changing lives. It appears that you are reflecting the face of God that a lot of people really needed to see.

  2. Thank you for this post. I along with my children have been following your journey and we have been praying daily for your family.

    A few of your blogs I have shared with my 8 yr. old daughter and I told her “these are not normal human responses to this kind of situation, this proves God’s grace in the life of a Christian”. My daughter’s reply was “Mom, we have been praying that God would give this family special grace and he is answering our prayers!”

    In your deepest moments of trial be strengthened by knowing that even little children are having their faith strengthened because of your trials!

  3. Brad,
    I love this post. Even in your deepest pain, you give God the glory! Oh, that we could all be like that. I can only share this verse with you, as I cannot say it better than God’s word:
    ” Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He,I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you: will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4 NIV.

    Hoping God’s word encourages you and knowing that you and your children are constantly in my prayers.

  4. Brad, I continue to lift you and the children up in prayer. Thank you for all you have taught me through this journey. I pray that if a time comes for me to deal with a devastating situation, that I will be able to praise God and give him all the glory that you have. You continue to be an inspiration and I am proud to be your sister in Christ!

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