You all have been so kind to share your words of hope and encouragement. I truly wish I could take the time to respond to each and every comment left on this blog. Rest assured I am reading every single one and am touched by them all. I receive an email for each comment and can check my phone immediately in almost every case. Thank you, thank you, thank you. In the coming weeks, I hope to have time and ability to respond to all of your comments because they have meant so much to me.
I just read a verse of the day that applies perfectly: “Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others; then they will not be unproductive.” – Titus 3:14 NLT
You have all been meeting my urgent needs, and this is what Christianity and God and the church are all about. It’s not about a building or just some religion. It is about the faith, hope and love of the people of God and the joining of those people in community to care for those in need and rejoice when others rejoice. Thank you for serving God by serving me and my family. I truly do appreciate each and every one of you, whether you are just reading along, or sharing this blog with others, or commenting, or emailing, or visiting. My hope is in the Lord God our Father in Heaven. And I know He cares for me because of all of you and I want everyone to know that.
I love you all.